Chaniqua Simpson
Program Coordinator at the North Carolina State Women's Center Raleigh-Durham, NC Award Year: 2021Chaniqua Simpson is a feminist sociologist, writer, caregiver, and educator. She is a member of the first Movement for Black Lives Electoral Justice League Fellowship, where she works with organizers to help build coalitions and support to push for affordable housing in Raleigh, NC. As Program Coordinator at the North Carolina State Women’s Center, she works to bridge sociology into campus community programming, specifically around race, gender, and equity, and facilitates interactive trainings, workshops, and talks on race, racism, sexuality, and social justice. She is a co-chair of the political education committee of the Durham Chapter of Black Youth Project 100, a national, membership-based organization of Black organizers and activists ages 18-35. Chaniqua is a recipient of the 2017-2018 Chow-Green Dissertation Scholarship from Sociologists for Women in Society and the 2019-2020 ASA Minority Fellowship Program.
Chaniqua used her BVBJ award to continue her unpaid organizing work, donate to grassroots efforts, and support a local food justice organization. She is focused on supporting Black women, queer and trans, especially organizing for better housing and access to technology and health care.
The BVBJ award has also allowed Chaniqua to offer temporary housing to friends and community members experiencing housing insecurity.
She has been helping out Communities in Partnership, a group of community rooted organizations cultivating long-term residents, especially those of color and low wealth, to work towards racial, economic, and social liberation and has helped the organization increase access to fresh, local produce from Black and Brown farmers in North Carolina.